Monday, February 20, 2012


Well I started playing the game again and well my file some how got dealted and I had to start all over r again and i'm glad i did because i got so much cool stuff

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


So on simple death match, I got 7650 points that's the highest I have ever gotten.  I'm getting good and I think in Artifact Asult I like defending better,  well it depends on the map

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Trickster looks

here is what the trickster can look like 3 different ways 
you don't have to do that same outfit you can do shirt one with skirt 3 and so on 


Super awesome New Charter would be my second charter but its my friend first charter 

I like her better with a spear

ACR (assassins Creed recvaltions)

All the Multi player  Characters 

Assassins Creed Revaltions

Ok well I have a new favorite charter above you 
who should be my second charter? I have limited it to two options 
the trickster 
The vanguard
who should it be?
I'm thinking more about the trickster but I want your opinion 

WarioWare: Smooth Moves

Played this game before its really stupid but super fun and funny